
Office Location

7895 Tranmere Drive, Unit #220
Mississauga, ON L5S 1V9

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Contact Details

Phone: 647 801 1700

Call Us:
(+1) 647 801 1700

Get an Evaluation Appointment Today, With One Of Our Experts

Contact Us

Please write to us and briefly explain the help you need. You can also mention the name of the service you require in the subject line.

Our Services

Alcohol & Drug Abuse

We provide counselling services in a safe and non-judgmental manner to work through alcohol abuse, drug abuse and related problems.

Stress Management

We provide individual counselling sessions on stress management to improve overall quality of life. Our program meets court requirements, or can be taken for personal growth.

Anger Management

The Anger Management Program consists of eight to ten (8-10) individual counselling sessions. The program can also be completed within a shorter period of time.

Parenting Sessions

We provide parenting session embedded with robust curriculum aimed to assist parents with communication skills, managing behavior, and building strong relationships with their children.

Domestic Violence

A psycho-educational program for clients with controlling, violent, and abusive behaviors towards intimate partners. A completion report is provided after successful completion.

Sexual Harassment

We provide non-judgmental, culturally, and linguistically appropriate services to the court mandated sexual assault offenders.

We've Helped People Just Like You

I am very happy to have attended these sessions. It has made me feel much more confident and in control of my life and family. I would certainly recommend this service to others who are struggling as we were.